

Līdz 8. novembrim Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijas studentiem ir iespēja pieteikties KUNO ekspress kursam "Forensics of the Readymade", Malmes Mākslas akadēmijā (Zviedrijā).

Kursa lektori:
Kirstena Bela (Kirsty Bell)

Kursa apraksts (angļu valodā): 
This seminar proposes to look at the role of existing objects in artworks, to loosen these objects from the dominant narrative of Marcel Duchamp’s readymade and suggest other readings that restore their intrinsic material agency. 

By shifting focus from the role of the artist’s gesture to the material qualities of objects themselves, we will examine the kinds of transfigurations that occur for these things to become carriers of wider meaning, that touch on issues related to time, memory, society, and environment.  

These arguments will be constructed primarily through reference to works by artists, mainly from the last thirty years, with texts by art historians and philosophers introduced as contextualizing touchstones.

Close reading of these artworks will be employed as a way to fine-tune our own perceptions and readings of objects, experience and environment. Daily illustrated lectures will be followed by discussion groups and/or studio visits. Each student will be encouraged to keep a notebook or diary for the course of the week, to record their own relations to objects, in whatever form they choose.

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