
ESF Project "Improvement of the Art Academy of Latvia governance" Nr.

The strategic objective of the project “Improvement of governance at Art Academy of Latvia” (further referred to as Project) is to improve the quality of content of AAL study programmes and to use the available resources efficiently, to provide better governance of the higher education institution and to enhance the competences and skills of management personnel.

As part of the project is planned to improve the content of the study direction Arts study programmes realised at AAL, aligning them with industry development needs, improving the organisational and governance structures of AAL, improving AAL quality management systems and implementing e-solutions at AAL, as well as enhancing the competences of AAL management personnel.

The improvement of content of the study direction Arts study programmes realised at AAL will ensure that study programme content is focused on industry development needs. It will advance the realisation of innovative education based on research and creative artistic practice, and transfer of creative artistic practice, facilitating the inclusion of alumni into labour market and promoting the social and economic development of Latvian society and economy.

As a result of AAL improvement processes, AAL study and governance capacity will be strengthened, ensuring the growth of students’ creative artistic activities, excellence in research, and linkage of these activities to industry development trends.

Project realisation period: 01 November 2018 to 30 November 2023.

Project’s total budget 401,400 EUR, of which 341,190 EUR is European Social Fund funding and 60,210 EUR is Latvian state budget funding.