
Study options

Studies at the Art Academy of Latvia are possible in the framework of Erasmus+ program, bilateral cooperation agreement, Swiss-European mobility, or KUNO and CIRRUS exchange programs under the Nordplus program. Also the new international program Service Design and Innovations for the joint MA degree is available for Master level studies.

The Art Academy of Latvia offers higher education in accredited Bachelor, Master and Doctoral & Professionlal Doctoral programs.

Students learn not only to perfectly master their professional field, but also to create and develop thinking, mastering practical skills and a wide range of theoretical subjects concurrently with their specialization studies, which makes it possible to have a good knowledge of art history, to be creative, competitively critical-minded and knowledgeable.

The Art Academy of Latvia offers studies in 20 specialties, which are divided into five faculties. Drawing department is separate unit and provides speciality studies for all the other departments.

Faculty of Visual Arts:

  • Painting department (BA, MA)
  • Drawing department (MA)
  • Graphic Art department (BA, MA)
  • Sculpture department (BA, MA)
  • POST (MA)

Faculty of Visual Plastic Arts:

  • Ceramics department (BA, MA)
  • Glass Art department (BA, MA)
  • Textile department (BA, MA)

Faculty of Design:

  • Product Design (BA)
  • Interior Design (BA)
  • Graphic Design (BA)
  • Metal Design department (BA, MA)
  • Fashion Design department (BA, MA)
  • Functional Design (MA)
  • Service Design Strategies and Innovations (MA)

Faculty of Audio-Visual Media Art:

  • Scenography department (BA, MA)
  • Visual Communication department (BA, MA)
  • Motion. Image. Sound department (BA, MA)
  • Environmental Art department (BA, MA)

Faculty of Art Science:

  • Restoration department (BA, MA)
  • Art History and Theory department (BA, MA)
  • Curatorial studies (MA)
