

Cyborgs and avatars embody contemporary forms of human existence in digital and hybrid spaces. Recent developments in technology (virtual worlds, prosthetic augmentations, artificial intelligence) require more than ever a reconsideration of the perceptual, ethical, and aesthetic dimensions with regard to interconnections of human subjects, technologies, and digital media.

The interdisciplinary workshop bring together international scholars, professionals, and practitioners in order to discuss recent developments in the field of contemporary arts, design, and creative practices. It will focus on digital-hybrid embodiments, reconfigurations of the senses, and the imaginary dimension of artificial intelligence. The workshop aims at bridging various different disciplines and will also look into developments in the Baltic region.

14-15 September 2023

LMDA Institute for Contemporary Art, Design and Architecture
Art Academy of Latvia, Kronvalda boulevard 4, Riga


Stefan Sorgner (John Cabot University Rome), Marc Ries (University of Art and Design Offenbach), Rasa Šmite (Liepaja University), Darja Popolitova (Estonian Academy of Arts), Zane Onckule (Riga Technoculture Research Unit), Dietmar Koering + Eva Sommeregger (Art Academy of Latvia), Sebastian Mühl (Art Academy of Latvia).

Organised by Sebastian Mühl, Dietmar Köring, Eva Sommeregger
Collaboration between the HfG Offenbach and the Art Academy of Latvia

This project of the Baltic-German University Liaison Office is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic Germany.

Further information:

For attending the event, please register here: