

Līdz 2020. gada 12. janvārim iespējams pieteikties Ziemeļvalstu un Baltijas valstu mākslas akadēmiju apvienības „KUNO” ietvaros izsludinātajam ekspreskursam „The Undercommons Workshop at Bergen University”. 

Kurss norisināsies Bergenas universitātē no 2020. gada 3. līdz 5. martam. „KUNO” tīkla augstskolu studentiem pieejamas trīs vietas kursā.

ECTS: 1,5 studiju kredītpunkti

Prasības – Maģistra studiju programmas studenti

Pieteikšanās termiņš: 2020. gada 12. janvāris, nosūtot motivācijas vēstuli uz e-pastu .

Kursa pasniedzēji prof. Brendons Labela un vieslektors Rayya Badran no Beirūtas Amerikas universitātes.

Kursa apraksts angļu valodā

Practices of commoning are based on establishing networks of shared resources, collective care, and mutual aid. From self-organized spaces and collective funds to open source software and cooperative housing, commoning articulates forms of shared and sustainable life. Extending from practices of commoning, the workshop focuses on what Stefano Harney and Fred Moten term “the undercommons”: a sort of resistant, unfinished and fugitive commons that steers us toward unexpected forms of collectivity and agency. The undercommons interrupts the articulation of a formal system of common aims, leading instead to cracks in the system where backroom planning, pirate communities, poetic ideas gain traction – what Moten calls, life in the break.  

Following ideas of commoning and undercommoning, the workshop focuses on mapping and modeling undercommon practices: In what ways is artistic work a form of sharing, and if so, what does it share? How does artistic work navigate between formal and informal situations, between gallery systems and hidden rooms, between the white cube and the black imagination? Can artistic gestures and materials articulate forms of collaboration that remain in the break, that break out or break in? 

The workshop will include readings and discussions into commoning and undercommoning, as well as material experimentation aimed at creating interventions within the Academy building. In what way is the Academy a shared space? What are the limits of this common environment? What forms of commoning or undercommoning are we involved with in our artistic practices? We will work at capturing, composing and distributing materials and actions to see and hear in what ways artistic work may define as well as upset what a commons is or could be. This will include a relation to sound, noise, rhythm, performance, poetry, graffiti, secrecy, magic, architecture, and voice.  

Plašāka informācija par ekspress kursu šeit.

“KUNO" kursiem var pieteikties tikai tie studenti, kuriem nav studiju parādu.

Jautājumu gadījumā sazinies ar LMA Ārlietu un izstāžu daļas starptautisko izglītības programmu koordinatori Kristu Balodi: .